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What did we learn?

It's hard to believe that a year has passed since we landed here in WA. And what a year it's been. This first entry will eventually link to all of the things we have learned about ourselves, our backyard, our community, and our world. In 2019, as we prepared for all of the adventures involved with relocating to a new state and retired life, I started my dream list of how I would spend my days, and writing a daily (or even weekly) blog was an item on my list. Little did I know that making time to journal would be hard to find, and finding time to compose something to share with friends and family in a more public forum was even more difficult. But now that we have experienced all four seasons, unpacked and finished the majority of the large projects we wanted to incorporate into our home life, I can revisit the list and actually delve into some of my own creative affairs. So what have we learned? These are the topics I will continue to explore in future blogs, all linked

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